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No. 2 (2023)

The Teacher as a Reflective Practitioner: Differences between General and SEN Teachers in the Self-Perception of Reflexivity

maggio 22, 2023


This article describes an in-depth study of research aimed at designing a questionnaire exploring some of the characteristics of the reflective teacher. We investigate the sub-sample of SEN teachers trying to detect whether emerge statistically significant differences with the other teachers in some of the explored dimensions. The results highlighted SEN teachers’ higher values in almost all dimensions than the averages of the national sample of teachers. The differences in the dimensions of Willingness to discuss, Attention to students, and Reflection on practice was statistically significant. SEN teachers seem to show a greater openness in collaboration, disposition, and participation in sharing practices, and greater attention to the student’s needs and interests, highlighting a marked tendency to place the student at the center of the teaching processes, to reflect analytically and metacognitively on the complexity of contexts, their aspects, and perspectives. Finally, these data seem to provide a more precise measure of how much the reflective dimension represents an inalienable interpretative key of a teacher’s professional profile.


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