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No. 2 (2023)

Teacher education through Reflective Practice-Based Learning

maggio 19, 2023


At the Danish University College UCN, in Jutland, the theme of reflexivity combines with the research world through the pedagogical model of Reflective Practice-Based Learning, according to a teaching and learning process in the classroom that reminds the maieutic one and that makes the construct of reflexivity alive and generative. The association between theoretical and practical knowledge is concretized through reflection by the stakeholders of the educational institution allowing both students, and teachers to work on problems belonging to real contexts and learning to act to respond to problems and challenges, typical of our daily lives. If the purpose of the teacher is to educate students to inhabit the nowadays complexity by becoming critical thinkers and problem solvers, this means encouraging reflective practices during the daily teaching-learning process, starting from their own education-training.


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