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No. 2 (2023)

The learning craft shop. Between work’s multicultralization, transformative arenas, and educational research

maggio 18, 2023


The paper presents the results of a Ph.D. research project interested in investigating where, when, and under what conditions people living in a highly multiethnic neighborhood learn to manage their ethnic and cultural differences. Relying on a theoretical framework that refers to (a) the theorizing on informal and transformative learning, (b) the everyday multiculturalism perspective, and (c) the contract hypothesis, the object of the research was the types of learning that emerges as a result of encounter and contact experiences that originate from frequenting stores run by shopkeepers with migrant backgrounds. In this perspective, the neighborhood ethnic store was identified as an emblematic case of those contexts that elicit informal learning, through processes of micro-socialization and contact, among individuals who do not share the same ethnic or cultural references.


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