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No. 2 (2023)

The ‘PF’: Experimentation of a tool to support the reflective and metacognitive competencies of university students, in an inclusive perspective

maggio 18, 2023


Supporting reflexive processes within the university study path, through the experimentation of tools and actions aimed at promoting and enhancing the development of personal and transversal skills essential for the realization of each individual’s academic path, ultimately means creating inclusive formative contexts.

In this perspective, the sperimentation called “Formative Project: experimentation of a study support tool” launched in the a.a. 2021-2022 at the Course of Studies in Educational Sciences of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia aims to provide all students enrolled an expanded support system aimed at promoting the acquisition of fundamental skills for learning, study and participation in the academic life, activating important processes of individualization and ongoing orientation.

In this article, in addition to outlining the main purposes of the research process and analyzing the data collected in the first phase of experimentation of the tool, possible future prospects are outlined, in order to have forms of support available also in the academic field which allow all students to acquire emancipatory and capability skills that contribute to the realization of the educational success of all and everyone.


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