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No. 2 (2023)

The humanities and reflexivity: A happy union from school to healthcare

maggio 15, 2023


The contribution, starting from the need of today's society to train competent people for resilience and self-regulation (Pellerey, 2023), after having briefly attempted to clarify the meaning of some words inherent in reflexivity and circumscribed which aspects of it we are interested in highlighting, introduces the importance of using all the humanities, bringing some examples of their use in training contexts that are apparently very distant from each other: the medical and the scholastic.

The techniques used in recent years in the training of reflective professionals are many and have amply demonstrated their validity and usefulness; in ongoing adult education, where transformative learning (Mezirow, 2016) is increasingly highlighted as a preferential path for the development of new skills, educators and trainers are looking for new teaching devices that can foster reflective practice in learners, helping them to decipher the range of meanings that their experience brings; in this context, a new attention is being paid to the humanities and to the richness of their contents and languages.

In the health sector, the concept of Medical Humanities (Zannini, 2008) has been affirmed since the 1960s, while in other fields more or less known aspects of the humanities are used; the intent of the contribution is to create an overview that denotes the use of all the constructs of the humanities in the context of the most diverse types of reflective training for adults, beyond any sectoral perspective. Starting from these intentions, various “humanistic” teaching devices are analyzed and a series of practices designed and implemented to promote reflexivity are described. Within a multiplicity of proposals both in the didactic and in the health area, it was decided to mention two training courses in particular, due to the richness and variety of “humanistic” devices used.


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