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No. 2 (2023)

The value of reflexivity in educational work, starting from the interweaving of gestures and professional knowledge

maggio 15, 2023


Educational work is a deeply relational practice that, by its nature, unfolds in everyday life, assuming the complexity that distinguishes contemporary society as a horizon of reference. This implies the need to avoid standardized techniques or methods, in order to identify, in the actual circumstances, the way to support the subjects involved in a process of refinement and existential design. It is believed that for educators it is, therefore, fundamental to start a constant reflexivity in action and on action, evaluating their knowledge, their gestures, the posture taken and their communicative and relational mode.

The educational studies focused, in particular, on knowledge, language and speech, while the body stays in the background. The paper aims to move from an analysis of non-verbal communication, with reference to gestures and the value of gestures in the professional field. In the educational domain, reflexivity on gestures can lead to a cognitive gain on several fronts, by investigating the intent behind the professional action. The goal becomes, at the theoretical level, the delineation of training practices for a reflective learning in educational work.


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