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No. 1 (2023)

Capturing experiences, developing reflection: The phenomenologically oriented vignette as a reflective practice

maggio 12, 2023


This contribution presents a research tool that can be implemented as a training and professionalisation instrument and that, at the same time, represents a new resource for the promotion of reflective practices in social science and educational contexts. The instrument stems from a phenomenological-pedagogical approach and the theoretical foundations on which it is based make it possible to bring to light the central role of reflection in engagement with the world and to contribute to the development of a pedagogical ethos that is always open to the webs of meaning that professionals in education and the social field discern in their experience.

After a brief introduction in which the challenges posed to students in the social fields are mentioned, various constructs of reflection are presented, and then the original value of reflection is re-examined in the light of the epistemological framework of phenomenology. A research and training tool with a phenomenological orientation, the vignette, and its potential as a means of confronting otherness is then presented and its added value as a tool for reflective practice, and thus its significance in the context of the educational sciences, is illustrated. The article then focuses on the theoretical framework and the processes of writing and analysing the vignette as a reflective practice and its use as a perceptive and reflective exercise in learning communities and professionalisation processes.


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