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No. 1 (2023)

The metamorphosis of the reflective practitioner? Axiological and semantic changes in the diffusion of reflexivity into educational and care professions

maggio 12, 2023


When the concept of ‘reflexivity’ proposed by D.A. Schön in the 1980s spread to educational and care professions, did it remain the same? To answer this question, the article takes into consideration, by way of example, the teaching profession and its training, focusing, even more specifically, on “service learning”, and considering the reflective practices that still today are proposed in conjunction with it. Widening the discourse to other caring professions, and going back to the concept of reflexivity proposed by Schön and rooted in John Dewey, the article recognizes two kinds of reflexivity: solution-oriented and humanity-oriented. Strongly connected, these two kinds of reflexivity could be seen as different focuses of a single activity. Nonetheless, acknowledging them can be useful for organizing future professional training and support.


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