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No. 1 (2023)

The role of reflexivity in STEM education among girls

maggio 12, 2023


For years, the European Union has been monitoring the number of women working within STEM and despite the proposed guidelines and strategie, scientific professions continue to remain the prerogative of men. An impulse to the diffusion of STEM among students and in particular among girls was undoubtedly given by PNRR Italy and, specifically, by the initiative "Futura: the school for tomorrow’s Italy" which provides among the investment lines for skills the promotion of STEM. The PNRR has envisaged as a transversal objective of the six Missions a greater inclusion of women in all sectors of society and in particular in that of scientific research. However, gender orientation in scientific disciplines must be faced with the presence of a culture that cannot imagine for women professions other than those belonging to the world of care, with repercussions on the choices of students. Therefore, any action aimed at orienting girls to STEM must start from a reflection aimed at deconstructing the stereotypes linked to scientific professions and prefiguring new paths of life. The reflection through the narrative device allows girls to "give voice" to the social representations that condition their choices and to reveal, through these, the cultural conditionings that prevent them from realizing their professional desires. To the identification of these social representations is added the discovery of self and the ability to be resilient and therefore able to resist the obstacles that stand between the desire to assert oneself and cultural ties.


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