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No. 1 (2023)

Reflectivity and practices of the professional self

maggio 9, 2023


In this paper, after outlining the epoch-making importance of the figure of the reflective practitioner, I will shift the focus to some critiques to it. In particular, I will discuss the allegiance that reflective professionalism is accomplice with the contemporary cultural thesis of unfinished cosmopolitanism and the logic of lifelong learning. In this horizon, on the one hand, I will indicate the reasons why the constructivist self-interpretation provided by Donald Schon may have contributed to giving rise to a misconstrual and appropriation of his ideas along instrumentalist, operationalized and intellectualist lines; and, on the other, I will vindicate, instead, the creative interweaving of experimental and existential dimensions which is present in Schon’s conceptual device.

Precisely in order to strengthen this entwining of dimensions and to ward off any instrumentalist and learnification-oriented adulterations of the notion of the reflective practitioner, the tradition of the spiritual exercises on oneself, as theorized by Foucault, is invoked as a possible ally to think of reflectivity (also) in terms of subjectification and away from the most unwelcome drift of the discourse of learning.


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