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No. 1-Special (2021): Educazione e radicalizzazione

Processes of radicalization and transformative perspectives

settembre 3, 2021


The contribution explores the research-training actions on processes of polarization and radicalization, promoted within the Forward Project (MUR ID 85901). It reconstructs the theoretical-conceptual framework of the project, specifically investigating the contribution of transformative theory (Mezirow, 2003; Fabbri & Amiraux, 2020; Sabic-El-Rayess & Marsick, 2021) and intersectional approaches (Crenshaw, 2017; Colombo, 2020) in understanding radicalization processes. Specific attention is paid to the methodological framework and the articulation of the systems of activities implemented within the Forward Project, which include the construction of a network of international experts on radicalization processes, research-training actions with professionals who have contact with citizens from other countries, and the launch of an international center for micro-radicalisation studies.


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