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No. 1 (2021)

The personal development plan: A tool-process of guidance and professional prefiguration

marzo 19, 2021


As part of the SUPER project, the Trieste Unit, in line with the general objective of “structuring a system of career guidance and tutoring”, has developed a Personal Development Plan (PDP).

PDP is – at the same time – a tool and a process supporting students of the bachelor’s degree in education (L-19) for planning, monitoring and the evaluation of their professional development paths using narrative and reflective practices in concrete contexts.

In accordance with the Emerging Adulthood paradigm, PDP can represent an effective tool of narrative guidance for students that are defining their personal and professional identity.

It also responds to the need to promote students’ academic and professional success and to support them in the process of prefiguring and building a “reflective professionalism”.

In order to make a paperless tool, PDP is supported by Mahara open source software that allow sharing (with internship and external mentors and/or students), uploading of several forms of authentic materials (videos, photos, projects, etc.) and functioning as a repository of one's own good professional practices.


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