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No. 1 (2021)

Prefigure future professionalism: The Plans for Orientation and Tutoring of the L-19 Degree Programs

marzo 19, 2021


In November 2019, the Ministry of Education, University and Research publishes the call “Plans for guidance and tutoring”. The aim is to innovate and support guidance and tutoring actions of Italian universities. The Bechelor Degree Course in Educational Sciences of the University of Siena, leader of a network of 15 CdL L-19, 116 schools and 101 organizations in the educational and training sector, responds to the call by proposing the project “Super – of guidance and tutoring to promote academic and professional success”. The project aims to carry out guidance and tutoring actions to support the professional prefigurations of female students. The contribution describes the general characteristics of the project that guided the coordination of the network’s activities, the challenges and the hypotheses that made it possible to look at guidance and tutoring in an innovative perspective, far from traditional models.


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