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Parte II - Attualità e discussioni

No. 3 (2017): Economia e diritto del terziario

Le determinanti socio-economiche del franchising in Europa nel 2007-2016

  • Angelo Galiano
  • Angelo Leogrande
  • Alessandro Massaro
maggio 24, 2018


The paper analyzes the role of socio-economic determinants in franchising sector in Europe during the period 2007-2016. The econometric model estimates the sequent independent variables: number of franchising, brand franchising, employed for franchising outlet, domestic brand, turnover franchising. Dependent variables are: level of instruction, crime, research and development, gender pay gap, social esclusion, freedom index, turism, service, human development index, transportation.
Data are developed by the mean of OLS, panel data with fixed effects, panel data with random effects. The economics of franchising growths with the level of crime, service sector, human development index, transportation. The economics of franchising dimishes with the level of instruction, social exclusion, freedom index.


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