This contribute presents some data from the research project INCLUDI (, aimed at the planning and implementation of new teaching methods for supporting English learning in secondary-school students with diagnosis of dyslexia. Beyond practical and creative activities to be realized during the English class, the use of Virtual Reality (VR) was proposed to consolidate lexical, semantic, grammatical, and syntactical knowledge in English, by using interactive exercises, specifically developed to support learning processes according to the typical cognitive functioning of the students with dyslexia, such as described by the MIND (Materiality, Interconnectivity, Narrativity, Dynamics) model (Eide & Eide, 2011). This work presents the results on the effects of VR on the attitude and the self-efficacy towards English learning of 84 secondary-school students. Results show that using VR can support students’ engagement in English learning, in particular when they received a diagnosis of dyslexia.