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No. 4 (2023)

The application of psychotherapy protocols in women with cancer and related psychological and psychosocial outcomes: A systematic review

luglio 31, 2024


Several studies have been devoted to the analysis of psychological interventions in women with breast cancer and the multiple outcomes in psychooncology.
This article presents a review of the main contributions on the topic, delving into the application of group psychotherapy protocols in women with breast cancer and the related psychological and psychosocial outcomes.
The selection of studies of interest was conducted by querying the Scopus database. Thirty-eight studies were included in the review, published from 1998 to the present, which met the established a priori inclusion and exclusion
The aim of this work was to evaluate the efficacy protocols of group psychotherapy by investigating the related psychological and psychosocial outcomes, and the results showed a strong positive association.
The present work concludes with the possibility about the clinical implications of facilitating the development of new psychological interventions aimed at improving the illness experience that are more homogeneous and build on the effectiveness of existing ones.


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