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No. 4 (2022): Is it time to change the paradigm to address neural development disorders? From research to clinical practice

Giftedness and transdiagnostic prospect: Clinical experience of Labtalento

marzo 16, 2023


In order to broaden the debate about new perspectives and approaches to neurodevelopmental disorders, especially in developmental age, we bring the topic of giftedness through the clinical experience of Labtalento (Italian Laboratory of Research and Development of Potential, Talent, and Giftedness) of University of Pavia. Giftedness concerns 5% of the population and involves professionals working in scholastic and educational environments, since giftedness may require specific and customized interventions. We present the evaluations of three clinical cases, reported to investigate the presence of high cognitive potential, from which emerge reflections of importance of proposing, especially in these cases, a rich and varied assessment, which allows not only to investigate different aspect of the cognitive area, but also to analyze emotional and behavioral characteristics in order to complete the functioning profile.
Moreover, the clinical analysis of the results should take into account the individuality and not only the comparison with the normative reference sample, in order to be able to identify, even in particularly developed cognitive profiles, areas of fragility or specific difficulties that might not fall within the thresholds commonly used to define deficits or disorders. Lastly, enriching the analysis of the scores with qualitative observations gathered during the anamnestic interview and during the assessment allows the meaning of certain results to be interpreted in order to be able to provide, in the educational and scholastic environmental, possible specific indications based on the subject’s characteristics.


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