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No. 2 (2022)

Metacognition and Approaches Regarding Internet-Based Learning in Taiwanese University Students

settembre 12, 2022


While learning in Internet-based environments, students rely on metacognitive knowledge to organize, record, monitor, and review their learning path. In this experience, they may reveal either a “surface” or “deep” approach.
In this study, 509 university students were administered the adapted versions of the ‘Metacognitive Knowledge regarding Internet-based Learning’ questionnaire and of the ‘Approaches to Internet-based Learning’ questionnaire.
Positive correlations between metacognitive knowledge and approaches to Internet-based learning environments emerged: The metacognitive attitude was associated to a concerned and critical approach to learning whereas the negative attitude about Internet-based learning was associated to the surface approach.

Students showed a global understanding of the peculiarities and opportunities of Internet-based learning environments rather than empathize a single cognitive or metacognitive feature.


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