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No. 4 (2021)

Remote Psychological Counseling: Student Satisfaction during the Pandemic COVID-19

novembre 15, 2021


The COVID-19 pandemic forced universities to rethink a new setting for psychological couseling dedicated to students, namely the reformulation of the service in remote mode. This study aimed to investigate the “satisfaction” construct of students who have benefited from the Psychological Counseling service of the University of Bari during the period of the first wave of the pandemic by COVID-19. The study analyzed quanti-qualitatively the satisfaction questionnaire given to students at the end of the path. Such a tool explores the following sub-dimensions related to lived experience: positive aspects; negative aspects; opinions and suggestions for change. The students’ responses were analyzed through Automatic Sentiment Analysis and Critical Discourse Analysis. The results showed that the Uniba Psychological Counseling service has been a real opportunity, especially in the period of lockdown due to the pandemic, for its strengths related to the professionalism of operators and the quality of service.


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