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No. 3 (2021)

Networking: A potential strategy for outplacement

giugno 29, 2021


Networking is a strategy that aims to manage one’s relationships and connections in order to acquire information informally, in particular about possible job prospects that are not advertised. Without a solid network of contacts, people looking for a job will meet greater obstacles along the path to employment.
In Italy specifically, the majority of professional opportunities are not publicized but spread by word of mouth.
The focus of this research is to describe how networking is perceived and used by participants in outplacement programs in order to assess its possible use as a strategy to find new jobs. The questionnaire examines the three dimensions of networking (intensity, quality and attitude), apart from communication skills, self-efficacy, proactiveness and resiliency.
The research, carried out in collaboration with Intoo, outplacement service leader in Italy, involved 146 unemployed people with an average age of 46.94 years.
The study revealed significant differences in two networking dimensions: intensity in relation to gender and attitude with the last role held by the participants.
No significant difference emerged with regard to age, education and the period from the beginning of the program to the networking dimensions. These dimensions
present positive and significant correlations with the personality constructs.
The implications and limits of the research are discussed.


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