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No. 3 (2021)

The vicissitudes of anxiety for the cardiopathic patient. Cardiological rehabilitation as a bridge towards greater self-awareness

maggio 14, 2021


Understanding the factors that influence the rehabilitation of patients after an acute coronary event is important to reduce the risk of complications or the occurrence of new episodes. The rehabilitative path following the acute event is influenced by physiological and psychological factors; Among these, anxiety is
implicated both in the onset of the disease and in the path of healing. The literature provides contrasting results compared to the role played by anxiety in heart disease. Further investigation is needed to understand whether it is a risk factor or a protective factor. The goal of this study is to determine how anxiety levels change in patients who have joined a Cardiac Rehabilitation program, in relation to their awareness of their health condition. The research aims to studying the change of physiological and psychological factors from the beginning of the rehabilitative program (pre-test) to its conclusion (post-test). The results of the statistical analysis show that patients at the post-test are more anxious and
stressed compared to the pre-test but also more aware of the duration of the disease.
These results suggest that the anxiety factor after the rehabilitation process can be considered generative in the light of an effective increase in awareness of the disease.


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