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No. 1 (2021): The contribution of Marcello Cesa Bianchi to the growth of psychology in Italy

The psychology of ageing and advancing years: The contribution of Marcello Cesa-Bianchi

aprile 7, 2021


The psychology of ageing and advancing years has been a common theme throughout Professor Marcello Cesa-Bianchi’s scientific and academic career, as can be seen by his impressive number of publications. He has examined and studied various areas and topics regarding psychological ageing in-depth. This paper
highlights the studies that led him to define, as always ahead of his time, the various factors that can influence ageing, which are now being confirmed by numerous international research projects. There is a particular focus on studies into creativity among the elderly, to which he has dedicated the last twenty-five years of his long scientific career, analysing the various areas in which such creativity can be seen and especially concentrating on the last expressions of creativity by many famous artistic and cultural figures.


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