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No. 1 (2021): The contribution of Marcello Cesa Bianchi to the growth of psychology in Italy

Cognition, language, emotions: Research in developmental psychology and education interventions. The contribution of Marcello Cesa-Bianchi and his school

aprile 7, 2021


Among the works of Cesa-Bianchi in the field of developmental and educational psychology, his contributions on the theme of atypical development, on the relationship between the development of thought and language in a child’s growth and, finally, his latest reflections and indications on teacher and educator training are of particular interest. Mostly sensitive to the Piagetian and maturationist approach, Cesa-Bianchi did not fail to welcome in his theoretical reflection, as much as in scientific research, the stimuli that came from post-Piagetian culture since the first half of the twentieth century, driving his attention to the bio-psycho-social dimensions of human development. This work traces some key themes of the contribution of Cesa-Bianchi and his close collaborators highlighting the correlations with the national and international scientific scenario.


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