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No. 1 (2021): The contribution of Marcello Cesa Bianchi to the growth of psychology in Italy

A psycho-social look at medicine and health

aprile 6, 2021


The research paths developed in collaboration with Marcello Cesa-Bianchi are reviewed. First of all, the author describes the changes of scenario – both at a scientific and a social level – that in the 80’s oriented the progress of medicine and that urged the adoption of a psycho-social point of view in research. Then the various research paths are illustrated, focusing on the following themes: medical profession and social construction of medical practice, development of medical psychology as a discipline, social communication and prevention of health risks, perceived quality and citizen satisfaction with health services, cultures and health styles of the population. Finally, the relevance and topicality of these research paths are discussed.


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  61. Sitografia


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