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Studies and researches

No. 45 (2019)

The therapeutic relationship within the psychoanalytic tradition

dicembre 31, 2019


The discussion on the psychoanalytic theory of therapeutic factors is briefly reviewed, starting from Freud’s position, through the Symposiums on curative factors at the two Congresses of the International Psychoanalytic Association (IPA) of Marienbad in 1936 and of Edinburgh in 1961 (where there was a turning point), up to the positions within contemporary psychoanalysis. Contrary to what is generally believed, Freud gave much importance to the relationship between patient and therapist, that he conceived as an important therapeutic agent in itself. In fact, Freud not only constantly oscillated between the idea of considering cognitive interpretation as the main curative factor and the idea that, instead, the therapeutic relationship played a major role, but in several occasions he openly admitted that the relationship with the patient and other emotional factors (such as identification, modeling, etc.) were of much greater importance in bringing about the patient’s change.


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