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Studies and researches

No. 44 (2019)

EMDR for the treatment of complex trauma

giugno 28, 2019


This work addresses the treatment of complex trauma using the adaptive informationprocessing model (AIP). This model, that underlies the EMDR approach for the treatment of PTSD, has recently been enriched by integrating both the Attachment theory and the theory of Structural Dissociation of personality proposed by Van der Hart. This articulation has allowed treating the traumatic memories connected to complex trauma-related disorders such as the dissociative disorders, Borderline disorders and Dissociative Identity Disorder.
Through clinical exemplifications, some specific procedures will be illustrated to address the trauma-related defenses that maintain dissociation as the phobia of attachment and rejection particularly with regard to the therapist, the phobia of one’s internal experiences based on intense emotions of shame, fear or disgust, the phobia of the dissociative parts.


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