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Studies and researches

No. 47 (2020)

Internet addiction disorder: New emergency in the world of childhood and adolescence

febbraio 5, 2021


New technologies changed and continue to profoundly change our life. The continuous process of adaptation to technological changes constantly modifies our interactions in all areas. Last but not least, mental health and psychotherapy. The aim of this paper is to assess the current situation of a constantly evolving and expanding field. While these tools are an important opportunity, on the other hand, the scientific community start paying close attention to the problematic nature of their use, with particular attention to Internet and the associated device. Specifically, the aim is to deepen the controversy that characterizes the literature in terms of advantages and disadvantages with a specific focus on risk and protective factors as well as a detailed analysis of the negative effects in the short and long term and common elements in evidence-based interventions in the treatment of Internet addiction in childhood and adolescence.


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