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Studies and researches

No. 46 (2020)

The use of video-feedback interventions to promote positive parenting and reduce behavioural and emotional problems in children

luglio 20, 2020


Attachment theory has extensively contributed to the development and validation of evidence-based interventions to promote positive parenting and healthy parent-child attachment relationships. Specifically, these interventions aim at promoting secure attachment relationships and at decreasing the risk of externalizing behavioural problems in children. In this contribution we provide a critical review of currently available video-feedback techniques for promoting positive parenting, defining key features and contexts of application.
In this work we provide a critical review of currently available attachment-based videofeedback techniques aimed not only at supporting and promoting parenting skills, but also at treating the emotional and behavioral difficulties of the child and adolescent. In doing so we will also describe, for each technique presented, key features and contexts of application.
Given the central role of the use of video recording in these programs, we also intend to outline its historical evolution and its value as a specific technique working with child development.
Finally, we will summarize those that, in our opinion, represent the main characteristics of the video-feedback techniques, highlighting some possible lines of strategic use according to cognitive-constructivist clinical perspective. In doing so, we will place emphasis to the Sensitive Discipline construct, especially important when working with externalizing behavioural problems or from a prevention point of view.


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