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Articoli scientifici

2/2017-1/2018: Modelli della Mente

Meditation and the post modern era: a couple to be understood

  • Maria Beatrice Toro
  • Andrea Ligozzi
luglio 16, 2018


The postmodern era is characterized by a consumistic attitude. This can even concern the field of meditation, where we observe a consumerist trend. This is somehowe a parodox because mindfulness is not something to possess. The element of fascination for oriental symbols restricts even more consciousness: the practitioner has the illusion of expanding awareness but he will not. In this text we propose simple and radical forms for daily practice, without goals but diligently conducted.


  1. Segal Z.V., Williams J.M.G. & Teasdale J.D. (2014). Mindfulness al di là del pensiero attraverso il pensiero. Torino: Bollati Boringhieri.


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