Professore aggregato di Psichiatria, Clinica psichiatrica – Dipartimento di Salute Mentale e Fisica e Medicina Preventiva – Seconda Università degli Studi di Napoli
Medico specializzando in Psichiatria, Clinica psichiatrica – Dipartimento di Salute Mentale e Fisica e Medicina Preventiva – Seconda Università degli Studi di Napoli
The authors of this work develop some critical reflections on the prior importance that has been given in psychiatry in recent years, to the nosographicaldiagnostic aspects. A psychiatry mainly focused on the exasperated relief of the symptom, with the only purpose of developing new forms of diagnostic classifications, is a psychiatry that loses the whole of the human being, that is not interested to the suffering experienced by the patient, that loses the interest in the pathogenesis of the disorder. This psychiatry, isolating the symptom from the personality structure, will produce serious errors in the therapeutic and care management and will influence some forms of psychotherapy, stressing paradigms and intervention strategies aimed primarily at the resolution of symptoms, so distorting even the very meaning of the concept of psychotherapy. With the claim to define more objective criteria for the selection and categorization of patients for research purposes, we don’t notice the increase of inhomogeneity. In fact one patient can not be compared with another, neglecting the characteristics of the entire personality structure, the influence exerted on it by the social and relational system, and its reactive capabilities. The symptom, which constitutes only the most peripheral part of this complex system, can’t be a valid criteria for approval. A psychiatry, mainly focused on the nosographic systematization, neglect the therapeutic relationship, the communicative relationship with the patient, the work of training and the introspective analysis of the therapist, the study of psychopathology, undermining the very roots of the psychiatry.
Keyword in english psychiatry; psychiatric nosographic; therapuetic relationship; personality structure; psychopathology
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