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Articoli scientifici

No. 1 (2022): Modelli della mente

Processing the trauma in body and mind: New perspectives for intervention

settembre 12, 2023


Psychological trauma is linked to an event that the person perceives as extremely stressful and is not definable only in relation to “objectively traumatic” events (which undermine the physical integrity of the person or his life) but also to all those traumas linked to relationships characterized by neglect and lack of care which have a clinically significant impact on the subject’s self-esteem, on his sense of personal self-efficacy and on his value. The trauma affects the body and the mind: it creates a “freeze” which does not allow the elaboration of body’s sensations and traumatic memories which are reactivated in situations more or less similar to those of the lived experience. In the article, the authors, after a brief examination of the concept of trauma and the salient aspects involved, open the reflection to the new treatment perspectives (such as the sensorimotor approach and EMDR) that are inserted within the therapeutic relationship in order to promote a coherent reworking of the traumatic event which no longer remains blocked and not integrated in memories but is experienced by the subject as something that belongs to the past thanks to the creation of new resources and new connections.


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