The effects of native advertising on consumer responses. Some experimental evidences on the interaction between content type and brand awareness


  • Maria Antonietta Raimondo University of Calabria, Campus of Arcavacata, Rende (CS)
  • Maria Vernuccio Sapienza Università di Roma
  • Gaetano “Nino” Miceli University of Calabria, Campus of Arcavacata, Rende (CS)


Native advertising is rapidly establishing itself in the field of online marketing communication strategies. This paper aims at analyzing consumer responses to native ads varying upon the concreteness versus abstractness of content under specific brand awareness conditions. The conceptual model proposes that brand awareness moderates the relationships between the type of content (concrete vs. abstract) and
consumers evaluations of and dispositions toward native ad, product/service and brand. The results of an experimental study provide empirical support to the idea that consumer responses to concrete vs. abstract native content change for wellknown and less known brands and suggest implications for theory and practice.

Author Biographies

Maria Antonietta Raimondo, University of Calabria, Campus of Arcavacata, Rende (CS)

Associate Professor of Marketing, Department of Business Administration and Law

Maria Vernuccio, Sapienza Università di Roma

Associate Professor of Management, Department of Management

Gaetano “Nino” Miceli, University of Calabria, Campus of Arcavacata, Rende (CS)

Assistant Professor of Marketing, Department of Business Administration and Law


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