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No. 50 (2019)

The consequence of traditional understanding of psyche and nature for the environmental and psychological problems

dicembre 9, 2019


From a historical perspective, psyche is seen to have changed from an open system in the premodern time to a closed one in modern time. This has brought a separation of nature and psyche; Science has the nature as object, psychology only copes with the inside of person. The process of internalization seems to be changing in the postmodern time. The inner life is shown to all over the world via internet, twitter, etc. Psyche is again becoming an open system. To have some hints on contemporary situation Japanese culture and history are compared. There still remains premodern understanding of psyche and nature in Japan. But Japanese art such as gardening and ikebana show that a unique process of internalization has happened by way of making exquisite miniatures of nature. There is a growing tendency in the postmodern age not to decide and to be involved. This can be called a “contingent” attitude (Agamben). According to the modern understanding of psyche, psyche and environment are separated. But the postmodern situation makes again a world possible where everything is connected. This may be a chance to contribute to global and environmental problems from the psychotherapy.


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