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Parte II - Attualità e discussioni

No. 3 (2017): Economia e diritto del terziario

Deprivazione materiale e sociale nelle regioni italiane: una analisi attraverso l’elaborazione di indicatori sociali

  • Enrico Ivaldi
maggio 24, 2018


Socio-economic factors are among the main determinants of health inequalities.
At present, the components of socio-economic status that most affect health are not yet well defined.
In this paper it was decided to use two different concepts of deprivation, respectively material and social, following a concept already highlighted in literature. The proposed indicators have been validated with life expectancy at birth and with the composite safety index, in order to determine which of the two indices most influences living conditions.

The results show the existence of a relationship between health and living conditions and the simultaneous absence of this relationship with the social conditions that appear to be inversely correlated with the composite safety index.


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