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Parte I - Saggi e Studi

No. 3 (2017): Economia e diritto del terziario

Expo Milano 2015: effetti sulle performance delle strutture alberghiere

  • Aurelio G. Mauri
  • Ruggero Sainaghi
maggio 24, 2018


The big and mega events are able to significantly influence the destination performance and the results of local firms. However, the literature has mainly focused on non-economic effects generated by these special occasions. The present contribute aims to fill this gap and it explores the economic externalities generated by the “Milan World Expo 2015” on the hotel sector.

The paper, starting from some previous studies that have analyzed the Milan seasonality, introduces four different periods, mainly identified considering the attracted market segments (business, trade-fair, leisure). The case study analysis is based on STR data. These figures refer to daily occupancy, average daily rate (ADR) and revenue per available room (RevPAR) and they develop a longitudinal approach (2004-2015).
The empirical findings suggest the relevant impact generated by Expo on both seasonality and hotels operating performance. Concerning this latter, RevPAR, in real terms, shoes an increase by 68% (compared to 2004) and by 50% (compared to 2014). Similarly, the saturation of room capacity accounts an increase by 25%, while the real ADR is augmented by 34%.


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