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No. 1 (2017): Economia e diritto del terziario


settembre 7, 2017


Today’s contemporary art market is ever more global, and the sales of artworks are becoming increasingly delocalised to countries where the artist’s resale right is not provided under national legislation. This paper looks at the origin of the artist’s resale right (droit de suite) in France at the end of the 19th century, and its implementation at both international level with the Berne Convention and finally in the European Union with Directive 2001/84/EC. The paper also briefly describes the legal framework governing the artist’s resale right in Italy, distinguishing between the primary and secondary art markets, the proposed reform of copyright law in the People’s Republic of China, and the more recent public debates within the US art community. The paper concludes with discussion of an alternative solution for artists from countries that do not recognise the artist’s resale right: including a royalty clause in agreements with the artist for any resale of the artist’s artwork.


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