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No. 1 (2017): Economia e diritto del terziario


settembre 7, 2017


Art banking is defined in literature as a branch of the banking industry specialising in art-related contracts, advice, services and activities provided by financial intermediaries to end users with a view to recognising art assets as a stable, durable part of customers’ wealth by suggesting, on a case by case basis, asset management solutions aimed at optimising and safeguarding the sustainability of art investments, with time horizons and approaches best suited to unlock future liquidity from art collections. For banks’ art advisory not to be confined to a mere exercise of contractual clauses, it is essential that these ancillary services be provided by a specialist capable of interpreting and anticipating the customer’s real needs, in the shared pursuit of the best-suited set of solutions and advisory services for the specificities of the customer’s asset portfolio.
This is the role played by the Art Relationship Manager who must, first and foremost, be a problem solver capable of structuring and providing customer-specific solutions, moving away from a mere financial product-driven approach to a customer-centered focus, with consulting services aimed at combining the customer’s asset management requirements with passion investments, be it in art or top real estate. This article is specifically intended to describe the dynamics of art banking as driven by the most advanced financial institutions. While continuing to take due account of the limits and opportunities of today’s market environment, the article identifies possible future developments which are expected to foster the demand for financial operators increasingly qualified in the arts and financial products featuring an increasingly higher content of art.


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