The moving Rubber Hand Illusion (mRHI) is a paradigm which investigates the sense of ownership (SoO) and the sense of agency (SoA) towards an artificial hand. This study aimed to highlight the role of the SoA on the development of the SoO according to the information provided by an actionrelated auditory cue. We expected that a reinforcement of the SoO illusion by the SoA could not occur if the sound of the action was removed. In order to assess the SoO and SoA, 25 participants performed the task in the the active congruent, passive congruent, and active incongruent conditions. Also, the onset time of the SoO in the congruent conditions was reported. The results confirmed our hypothesis, showing that agency did not play a pivotal role in promoting the onset of the ownership illusion if ecological auditory feedback was removed. Further research on the cross-modal assessment of individual bodily selfconsciousness is recommended.