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Educational Reflective Practices

About the Journal

Educational Reflective Practices arises within the framework of a wide international network of university professors, consultants, and practitioners, who over the last 30 years have been using and sharing a reflective approach to the study of educational processes.
The topics which the journal focuses on are: the development of reflective thinking in life and work contexts; models and logics of the educational action; educational strategies to cultivate communities of practice and to promote the organizational learning; methodologies and tools for educating critical reflectve thinking.

The journal accepts two kinds of contributions: empirical investigations - preferably those adopting a qualitative approach; innovative theoretical studies which privilege multidisciplinary approaches.
The journal addresses practitioners, experts, and researchers who work in the field of education within both public and private organizations. In particular, empirical investigations and theoretical studies are conceived for practitioners of education: researchers, project designers, project managers, consultants, trainers, tutors, educators.